And back to my lateness...
I warned you. However, I have been berated by my friends and family for being a bad blogger. So, thank to some help from my friends Bill and Caiti, I redesigned the blog and am ready to be better about keeping in touch. Especially since I have a lot of upcoming sewing projects to blog about! Plus, summer's HERE, and since I did not pick up a part-time job, I'll be dedicating my summer to the things I neglected during the school year... chores, my hobbies, my hair... all the things that need the most work! But anyway, since I can't start something with out finishing it (sooner or later)... here's the rest of your 30 days!
Day 8 - A Picture that Makes You Laugh
Hahaha. :) This is the first picture I ever saw of my sister! She was not a fat baby at all, but this picture made her look like a little squash!
Day 9 - A Picture of the Person that has Gotten You Through the Most
Day 10 - The Person You Do the Most Messed Up Things With
I don't really know what this one means.. ?
Day 11 - A Picture of Something You Hate
Well, I wouldn't even begin to try to Google for such a thing or post a picture. If you really hate me, you ought to find as many pictures of mimes as you can and tape them to my walls. I hate mimes. I hate even thinking about mimes. Seriously, right now my heart rate is skyrocketing because I'm thinking about them. My deep seeded fear/hatred I believe stems from an assembly at Holy Angels, somewhere in the early 90s. Clara was with me, and if she wants to tell the story, she may. But I'll be busy doing my best to forget I ever saw a mime in my life.
Day 12 - A Picture of Something You Love
I'm sorry if you're all sick of sunflowers. I probably should be too. But I'm not. I love them, and I always will.
Oh, the days. I was a quasi-groupie for this band. I still have a shoebox of memorabilia that I refused to throw out when I moved to Texas. They were awesome.
Day 14 - A Picture of Someone You Could Never Imagine Your Life Without
Are you sick of me gushing about Art yet? Too bad! (I also look at this picture whenever I think I might look better as a brunette. I'm always wrong.)
Day 15 - A Picture of Something You Want to Do Before You Die
Go to the Oscars! There are a few ways that commoners can get there... and someday, I'll be one of them. I hope!
So this is me with Jodi Picoult, my hands-down favorite author. I still carry with me my childhood dream of being an author, and I'd like to be one just like her someday.
Day 17 - A Picture of Something that Has Made a Huge Impact on Your Life Recently
I don't have any pictures... but Art and I just celebrated our first anniversary! It didn't really change our lives that much, but it's nice to have milestones!
Day 18 - A Picture of Your Biggest Insecurity
I can't say I don't have insecurities. Of course I do. But, in the interest of overcoming them, I'm not going to give them the time. I'd rather spend time recognizing the things I'm good at!
Day 19 - A Picture and a Letter
I have no idea what this means. Sesame street?
Day 20 - A Picture of Somewhere You'd Love to Travel
Paris, France! I'd love to spend Bastille Day there one day.
Day 21 - A Picture Of Something You Wish You Could Forget
See Day #11.
Day 22 - A Picture of Something You Wish You Were Better At
Working out... or anything athletic, really. I just didn't get the gene. Unfortunately, I didn't get the eat-whatever-you-want-and-stay-thin gene, and living next to a lake means I need to be in a bathing suit a lot. Summer resolution: gym at least 4 times a week.
Day 23 - A Picture of Your Favorite Book
Anybody who knows me knows that I couldn't ever pick just ONE favorite book. I just devoured The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins, and can't stop talking/thinking about it! If you haven't read it, go read it. You'll be obsessed too.
Day 24 - A Picture of Something You Wish You Could Change
The place I live. My heart will always be in the Midwest.
Day 25 - A Picture of Your Favorite Day
See Day... whatever the day was where I said my wedding! Day 6?
Day 26 - A Picture of Something That Means a Lot to You
Day 27 - A Picture of Yourself and a Family Member
My siblings have not gotten entirely enough love in this challenge. I am the LUCKIEST to be their sister!!
Day 28 - A Picture of Something You're Afraid Of
See days 11 and 21.
Day 29 - A Picture That Can Always Make You Smile
Sometimes, when I'm sad, I Google "cute puppies." Not kidding.
Day 30 - A Picture of Someone You Miss
How about if you live currently, or have ever lived, in THIS STATE. O-H!!!!
And that's that. In the next couple of days I have a sewing room to organize, laundry to do, books to read, and Peanut to cuddle. I love summer!
1 comment:
Let's be honest. You got a lot more help from Bill than from Caiti. ) Looks great!
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