If you'll forgive me, I'm about to overload today with posts. There are several reasons for this:
1. I have a lot to say.
2. I only have a computer, two week's worth of clothing, a Chiweenie, and a deck of Uno cards to keep me entertained until Monday.
3. I like purple.
Not sure where that last one came from. It just felt right.
Anyway, us Bulls have been tinkering a bit with the house since we got to actually sleep in it. We're on an air mattress, we have no window coverings, and the house is completely covered in dust, but we are HERE. Because it's kind of a hurry-up-and-wait situation, we've been figuring out ways to entertain ourselves while waiting on contractors. While the painting was being done (because we hate painting AND had the budget for it, score), we had to vacate the house for a few hours. Art was at work and I had Peanut, which limited my entertainment possibilities.
So what did the pooch and I do? Drove to Tahoe. Natch!
Please. I live two hours away from this?? I wish the photos did it justice.
You see there... Beach. Dock. Snow. Mountains. All of my favorite things in one location! I can't believe I live here. I mean, I don't live here... you know what I mean.
Peanut thoroughly enjoyed his FIRST walk on a beach. He also assured me that those big honking tracks on the beach were just a really big dog and not a really big bear.
It was still pretty chilly when we went, but I hear amazing things about the lake in the summer.
Hello, gorgeous.
No matter where you go along the water, you can see mountains. Amazing.
On our way back, we passed the most adorable little sign that said, "Dog Bakery." Pardon? I have a dog. So of course we stopped and little Peanuts trotted himself right on in to see this beauty.
Yes, those are all for dogs.
P-Brittle got a cheese straw...
... which he didn't really like.
He also got a chocolate covered squirrel (dog-friendly), which he ate so fast I didn't get to take another photo of it.
See ya around Tahoe, we will be back!
Maybe just for the dog treats. Maybe not.
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