Thursday, June 21, 2012

It's official... We are moving!!

No, not moving houses... THAT would be crazy.

We are moving Web sites!!

Not as exciting, fine. BUT I wanted to give you readers a heads-up so you could change your bookmark, feeder, reader, whatev, to...

Creative, right? I am still working on transferring all the old posts, doing a little redesign, and learning how to use the new site, so it will be a few days before we are up and running.

Thank you so much for reading our blog. Whether you are part of our family, friends, or just people who happened upon our little life, I love checking into Blogger and seeing the crazy number of page views I get every day. I hope you will follow us to our new home!!

1 comment:

Caiti said...

Exciting! How much is that costing you, btw? I've thought about doing the same thing before. And also, so happy for you two and your California move!